Drought Help: Standard Precipitation Statistics

Total Precipitation: The amount of precipitation observed during the period, averaged over the entire climate division. Each climate division is equipped with several Mesonet stations distributed fairly evenly within the division. If a station is missing a daily precipitation observation, the value for that day is estimated by using values from neighboring stations. Measurements are reported in inches.

Departure from Normal: The amount, in inches, above or below the climate division's established normal precipitation for the period. This value is often referred to as the precipitation surplus (when above normal) or deficit (when below normal). Normals are based on 30-year averages and are updated every ten years for each climate division. The current normals are based on 1971-2000 values.

Percentage of Normal: A measure of the precipitation surplus/deficit, given as a percent of the normal value. Amounts below 100% indicate precipitation deficits and amounts above 100% indicate precipitation surpluses. For example, 50% indicates a precipitation total that is one-half the normal value for the period.